DayPipe » time estimation Manage time like a boss Mon, 31 Jul 2017 07:49:12 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Easiest way of writing a thesis Fri, 19 Aug 2016 14:19:24 +0000 Writing a thesis. Well, that can be a big amount of work. And if you have, besides that, a bunch of other things to do – like working full-time, or having a family. Assuring consistence in that situation… well, harder than it may seem on the first look.

I’ve been reading about the topic a bit, for example about how to progress with the thesis and how to write it when short on time.

Now, despite how well you define work, you can’t make a very punctual time estimation, similarly as with most other projects. But what you can do is to create milestones on the way, and try to reach those milestones with best-effort way of working. What is important is consistency. Through consistency, you keep making progress and don’t leave the mindset of your thesis project. The latter is very important: every time you leave the mental frame of what your thesis is about, you need to later re-start and re-enter it, thus losing time if you don’t do the work on consecutive days.

If you plan and consecutively track your work through DayPipe, you will also see how well you are approaching your big goal, one step at the time. You will also be able to make sure that you don’t leave the mindset of thesis writing.

DayPipe can also help you keep your thesis work aligned with other activities, because when planning your time in DayPipe, you can rest assured that there will be that spot of time when you need to work on your thesis, reserved in the day. Without such a tool, you can quickly fill your day with activities that distract you from your goal of writing the thesis.

We wish you happy thesis writing. If you have any tips, please share them in the comments below. :)

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The most important factor of habits Thu, 18 Aug 2016 08:23:06 +0000 In a small European country Slovenia, which lies between the Europe’s largest mountain range Alps, the Adriatic sea, and the Pannonian flat-land, there is a saying that goes: “a habit is a shirt, made of steel“. And it’s true. Have you ever tried to get rid of a (bad) habit, or to replace it with a good one? Well, it takes a lot of determination, but what’s very important on the way are time and discipline. Determination should serve only as a motivation point.

As you may see, many people will be able to tell that self motivation and consistency have a lot of relation, that consistency is key to success, and there are multiple posts written about the topic. But how do you achieve it?

If you want to turn a certain activity into a habit, then consistency is the key. Research shows that after 3 weeks of consistently doing a certain thing, it starts to be much easier to do it. Our mind and body get used to it.

So let’s imagine you decide to start going to fitness (a kind of real scenario for many).

The first thing you need is motivation. Since you considered going there, you probably have a bit of it. But is it enough to last for 3 weeks and beyond? Well, that’s something to figure out on your own. Do you like it? Does it help you get to your goals? What is the exact reason you started going to fitness anyway? Decide why you do it. You may even write it down. And then start.

Now the second thing is – as with everything in life – the time. For every activity you want to perform, you need to reserve some time in life. If you are motivated enough and determined that you will do it every day for the next 3 weeks – and keep going with it even afterwards – then you need to make sure that every day, you will have that hour (or whatever time you plan to spend there), reserved. No excuses, no priorities above that.

And that’s what DayPipe is beautiful for. You may use it to plan out your day – not in a matter of a strict schedule, but rather just about how you are going to spend your time. Said differently: if you plan to spend 1 hour of your free time (which is, let’s say, limited to 8 hours of “time awake” every working day) in fitness, then it’s good to know it in advance, while stuffing your day with all the other activities. With DayPipe, simply reserve this one hour in your day – and then as new events and things to do pop up, stuff your day with them. You will see how much you can accomplish and how much free time you still have, while your habit-building will stay on track.

During those 3 weeks, things will get hard sometime. You may become lazy or look for excuses to skip the activity. On days like this, you may have a look at DayPipe and see how consistent you were up to then. You may keep remarks on how you are progressing. Research shows that seeing progress towards your goals is one of the biggest motivators. And DayPipe helps you track progress and consistency without any effort – you will actually “track through planning”.

I’ve made a few habits already using DayPipe. Once you get there – don’t stop, just keep scheduling. What are your experience with that?

I wish you happy “habiting”!

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Smartest way to work remotely Thu, 18 Aug 2016 08:19:09 +0000 Remote work is often one of the perks that progressive, talent-friendly, usually established companies offer for work positions with defined workflow. It’s easy to measure and see the results when the work-rythm is well established, and the amounts of work are often quite transparently visible.

But how can we achieve perfect organization in a workgroup of moving and scattered people? Remote working is a trend. There is more people willing to venture around the Earth while contributing to a team effort. And that’s fine.

Often, working on a project remotely is difficult, even if all the team members knew precisely what they had to do (and often they don’t). There are tools for remote communication, like Skype, for example. But as there are tasks that need to be done at a particular day, some of them taking a span of multiple days to complete, and when there is a dynamic of work-time, the things get a bit more complex. Especially if you also want to track the time which went into a particular project, in order to be able to estimate better in the future – and charge smarter for the past. :)

We, as a company, are headquartered in a rural area. Which means that some of our workforce is scattered quite far around – like, very far around. In some cases, it makes sense that some of our workers work remotely on a regular basis. That’s also one of the reasons why we developed DayPipe and quickly became fans of it – because it helps us manage and track the time of each of us in the team, seeing where we may fit in certain activities. Simply put, we are getting things done by the deadlines and are much better aligned by using DayPipe, even while working remotely

We use agile methodologies for teamwork coordination, and tools for feature and bug tracking and teamwork organization play a big role in our day-to-day organization. DayPipe is complementary for that, filling the gaps that arise when the team is working remotely and needs to synchronize on a day-to-day basis, and keep track of how we work.

That’s how we assure high quality and effectiveness as a scattered company. How do you do it?

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Why time organization is critical when learning languages? Mon, 15 Aug 2016 15:21:17 +0000 Knowing languages is cool. You can speak with more people, read more materials, understand more. Not just that, but with every new language you learn, you get to look at the culture which uses that language from a new point of view – every new language opens up a new horizon, new aspect of the world.

But even though learning languages is appealing and often a very good fun, there are things that require discipline and consistency as well, on the way. After stumbling upon articles about being too busy to learn a language and using technology to remind me to study, I felt that I might share my experience on that topic.

Learning languages is a marathon task rather than a sprint. Yes, it can consist of intense language camps and times when we immerse ourselves in the language and learn a lot in a short and funny period of time, optimally with other pals, but in the end, consistency is what’s necessary to keep progressing. And this consistency needs to be followed for months.

Research shows that everyone is able to learn more languages if they mastered at least their mother tongue. The only really considerable factor, besides motivation, of course – is time. Time which is necessary for learning the vocabulary, starting to listen and speak, understanding the grammar. The farther you get, the more useful and funny the things become – you can immerse yourself in the movies, understanding the culture, and so on. But the key to all that, as readily said, is time.

Now you may be just as busy as I am – working a daily work, having some hobbies, spending time with people you love. The day has only 24 hours and, well, you want to sleep as well. And – you want to learn a language . The problem is, every day is just too short to do it all. Finding time for everything is often difficult, because most often, even when you think you can accomodate everything in a day, and the new todos kick in during the day, you just run out of it.

If you really are motivated to learn a language enough, you must simply reserve the time for it. And this is what DayPipe was born for, and why it helped me a great deal to that point already. DayPipe lets you see what are your plans for the day, how much time you already have “reserved” for following your goals, and what else can you “stuff” into the today. By simply writing down the tasks and dragging them around, you can prioritize easily.

We had an old saying “don’t postpone what you can do today” in my country. Maybe it worked with idle folks. To me, it sounds completely obsolete. I use “prioritize” instead.

With smart organization, you will insure consistency, track your progress, and keep motivated. And that’s pretty much the momentum you need to keep learning.

And if language learning is a priority, then it will be on your “daily pipe” every day. Remember, consistency is what matters. And time is what’s necessray.

Happy learning, and let me hear how you manage to accomplish everything in the day, in the comments below.

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